Join a network of clinicians exploring the possibility of metamodernism. Explore new opportunities of working and new ways to approach old problems. Add to our manifesto for a new and improved health service
There are inherent flaws in the current system of political leadership. With vote cycles every 5 years it is very difficult for politicians to make long term strategies for the benefit for all. Instead they are forced to make policies that attract votes in the short term, without sustainability at its forefront. Attracting votes rarely means 'improving health equity, targeting social inequality and targeting marginalised groups'.
The other problem is that often politicians with little or no clinical experience face themselves with big decisions regarding health. This makes little sense, and often results in dire consequences.
We propose devolving the NHS from politics and having a democratically elected board of clinicians with no financial conflict of interest patient representatives. With plans for 10-15 years and clinical input from each profession.
The litigation culture does many things, primarily it enriches the lawyers, secondly it bankrupts the health services, but insidiously it leads to scared clinicians practicing overly safe medicine. This causes harm in the long run. As services get overrun with patients who don't need to be there, resources get used up with needless, sometimes harmful investigations and care doesn't get to those who need it most. Something has to be done to limit this spend and re-purpose the money for patient care. Furthermore, it will allow doctors to practice with the patients best interest in mind, rather than than doctors paranoid of losing their jobs and being sued and doing whatever it takes to avoid this.
'The amount spent on claims in 2022/23 was £2.64 billion, compared to £2.5 billion from 2021/22.'
The illusion of choice provider by right to choose is causing huge deficits throughout the country. In Sussex alone millions of pounds is spent each year on private providers of NHS services. This is money that is unable to be invested in NHS run services, which results in worsening NHS run services and provides millions of pounds of profit to the private sector. This is a completely unsustainable model of care.
We offer personalised coaching for clinicians. This is broadly split into two parts, one is understanding the physical and psychological impact the job can have and co-creating solutions.
The other is moving away from modernity towards a post-modern perspective as illustrated in the diagram opposite.